Unexpected Uses for White Vinegar: More Than Just a Cleaning Agent

Thursday 23rd May 2024

White vinegar is a household staple often associated with cleaning, but did you know it has a myriad of other surprising uses? Here are three unexpected ways you can use white vinegar that you might not have thought of.

1. Natural Weedkiller

White vinegar is an excellent, eco-friendly way to get rid of those pesky weeds in your garden.

How to Use:

1. Pour the white vinegar into a spray bottle, or use DOTS White Vinegar Spray

2. On a sunny day, spray the white vinegar directly onto the weeds. Make sure to cover the entire plant.

3. The acetic acid in the white vinegar will dry out the weeds, causing them to wilt and die.

Why It Works:

The acetic acid in the white vinegar draws moisture out of the weeds, effectively dehydrating and killing them without harming the soil or surrounding plants.

2. Remove Rust from Tools

If your tools have started to rust, white vinegar can come to the rescue.

How to Use:

1. Fill a container with white vinegar and submerge the rusty tools. Use the DOTS 5L White Vinegar so you have enough vinegar to fully submerge your tools.

2. Let them soak for a few hours, or overnight for tougher rust.

3. After soaking, scrub the tools with a brush to remove the loosened rust.

4. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly to prevent new rust from forming.

Why It Works:

The acidity of the white vinegar breaks down the rust, making it easy to scrub away and leaving your tools looking almost new.

3. Freshen Up Your Laundry

White vinegar can also be used as a natural fabric softener and deodoriser for your laundry.

How to Use:

1. Add half a cup of white vinegar to your washing machine during the rinse cycle. DOTS 1L White Vinegar is best for this.

2. For particularly smelly loads, you can add it at the beginning of the wash cycle.

3. Wash your clothes as usual.

Why It Works:

The acetic acid in the white vinegar helps to break down detergent residues and neutralise odours, leaving your clothes soft and fresh without any chemical residue.

White vinegar is incredibly versatile and can be used in so many more ways than you might initially think. Whether you’re looking to keep your garden weed-free, rescue rusty tools, or freshen up your laundry, white vinegar is a natural and cost-effective solution. Give these tips a try and discover the magic of white vinegar!